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Help Again


OOTP is driving me insane, I got my computer back, re-downloaded the game and the league, however it will not let me download the latest league file or export in game. I've tried downloading the league file a few different times. I started a personal league to mess around with to see if the game itself was having issues or just the WBA file and the other league seemed to be working fine. The error I keep getting when I go to download is "Error: Could not open archive file" when I try to export I get a connection error. Any Ideas?

Thanks Guys

If all else fails go here and you can manually replace files:

Just like you did with the initial league file. Make sure these files overwrite the existing ones. Also make sure the accountsdata file linked at the bottom of this post:

Is in your settings folder.

Is there a way to export manually as well?

Yes, if the rest of the advice on that second link above (written by Nigel_Claymores) doesn't work, then you can go here:

Thanks Huck, not sure what I did differently but I got it to work. So we are all good now.


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