WBA Official Business > Amateur Drafts

2110 Amateur Drafts

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This will be the first time we run the drafts in StatsPlus, so there may be some rough spots as we figure it out. I have modified the league settings so that hopefully the draft pools are revealed during tonight's first playoff sim. This gives the non-playoff teams something to keep them interested in the league during the postseason. It will also hopefully allow me to increase the timer time and start the draft earlier.

All information below should be finalized during tonight's sim

ABL Draft Order:

* New York City Empires in odd rounds, Puerto Rico in even rounds
* Puerto Rico in odd rounds, New York City in even rounds
* Los Angeles Stars
* Washington Senators
* Mexico City Aztecs
* São Paulo Toucans
* Rio de Janeiro Jaguars
* Northwest Emeralds
* Santo Domingo Palmchats
* Buenos Aires Dolphins
Draft Pool - Batters
Draft Pool - Pitchers

IBL Draft Order:

* Singapore Merlions
* Paris Fleur-de-Lis
* Seoul Brothers
* Karachi Falcons
* London in odd rounds, Barcelona in even rounds
* Barcelona in odd rounds, London in even rounds
* Black Forest Foxes
* Mumbai Cobras
* Melbourne Meteors
* Rome Generals
Draft Pool - Batters
Draft Pool - Pitchers

Draft Settings:

* Timer is set for 3 hours for the 1st and 2nd rounds.
* Timer is set for 2 hours for the 3rd-5th rounds.
* Timer is set for 1 hour after the 5th round.
* Teams are switched to auto-draft if they miss a pick (if the utility uses your list, then it shouldn't switch you to auto).
* Timer is supposed to run from 8:00am to 10:00pm Central, sometimes this feature is a bit wonky.
Again, please note that the above were the settings used with OOTP Utilities and may be modified for StatsPlus


There will no longer be automated emails for draft updates, but the StatsPlus draft is integrated with the league Slack group. Join the channel for your league draft to get updates via Slack.

Okay, so the draft order in OOTP is wrong as it hasn't updated for the 2109 results. Therefore I am going to manually input the draft order into StatsPlus. For the two ties above I am going to use Randomizer.org with the team alphabetical order reflecting the numbers in each set. This will determine the order of the teams in the first round, then the tied teams will alternate every subsequent round. First post in this thread will be updated once that is complete in a few minutes.

Drafts are now live. Pick timer goes live on Monday morning (first picks are due by Monday at 11:00am central). You can make selections at any time.

There's a possibility that the timer will start counting three hours from the last pick once the first pick is made, but if that happens then no worries. Nothing is actually due until Monday and I will roll back the draft if that happens.

Why don't we use previous years records as the tie breaker for draft order.  Barcelona and London tied this year.  In 2108 Barcelona (Scottish) had a better record than London.  So London would get the higher draft pick this year.


--- Quote from: Txhorns on September 13, 2017, 08:49:07 AM ---Why don't we use previous years records as the tie breaker for draft order.  Barcelona and London tied this year.  In 2108 Barcelona (Scottish) had a better record than London.  So London would get the higher draft pick this year.

--- End quote ---

I think that's how OOTP does it, that's why the rule states OOTP will determine draft order. Unfortunately it looks like it won't do so until after the playoffs end and I wanted to get the draft pool published sooner. That rule seems reasonable and we can write it in if everyone else does too, but I still like alternating picks in later rounds.


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